ThemeTastic Theme Documentation
Thank you for purchasing the ThemeTastic - Premium Drupal Theme
by Theme Boutique. In order to get the most out of your purchase,
please make sure to carefully read all of the information contained in
this document. Use the table of contents on the left hand side of the
page to jump to a relevant section.
I. Installation
New Installation
New installations come equipped with all of the demo content and
can be set up in a matter of minutes. Follow the steps below to get
- This theme requires a working Drupal installation to function. Download the latest version of Drupal 7 and go through the installation process. When Drupal is installed, move onto the next step.
- Unzip the contents of (found in the theme download from ThemeForest). The unpacked zip file contains three folders:
- sites/all/themes -- Contains the ThemeTastic theme files
- sites/all/modules -- Contains the module files required by the ThemeTastic theme
- sites/default -- Contains the demo content images
Upload these files to the sites folder found at the
root level of your Drupal installation. Make sure the paths mentioned
above match up with the default folder structure of the Drupal
installation from step #1 -- there should already be "all" and "default"
folders inside of the sites directory.
- Click the Modules link in the Drupal
administration toolbar at the top of the page and enable the "Backup and
Migrate" module. When your settings are saved, move onto step #4.
- Navigate to Configuration > Backup and Migrate in the Drupal UI. Click the "Restore" tab and upload the ThemeTastic-2013-12-17T00-28-10.mysql.gz
file (found in the Assets folder of the ThemeTastic theme download from
ThemeForest). When the file has been selected, click the "Restore Now"
- The last step is to change the administrator username/password
back to your own credentials -- the admin username/password was reset
when the demo content was uploaded in the previous step. (New Username:
admin, New Password: admin). Navigate to the People section in the Drupal UI and click the "edit" link for the admin account to reset your username/password:
- Congratulations! The ThemeTastic theme, along with the demo content, is now installed.
- Optional Subtheme: An optional subtheme, found
in the sites/all/themes/themestastic_sub folder, can be installed to
make the theme update process easier. This is highly recommended if you
plan on seeking support on our forums or frequently updating the theme
with the latest version available on ThemeForest. To install the
subtheme, follow these steps:
- Rename the themetastic_sub folder to the desired subtheme name (make sure there are no spaces or capital letters).
- On the first line of the file, choose a name for the theme (spaces allowed).
- Rename the file to match the folder name selected in number step #1 of the subtheme installation.
- Navigate to Appearance in the Drupal admin to enable and set the subtheme as the default.
- Inside the /css folder for the subtheme, you will find a file
titled custom.css. Here you can add any CSS edits you make to the theme.
Existing Installation
Existing installations do not come with the demo content. To setup ThemeTastic on an existing Drupal site, follow these steps:
- Unzip the contents of (found in the theme download from ThemeForest). The unpacked zip file contains three folders:
- sites/all/themes -- Contains the ThemeTastic theme files
- sites/all/modules -- Contains the module files required by the ThemeTastic theme
- sites/default -- Contains the demo content images
Upload the contents of sites/all/themes and sites/all/modules to the sites
folder found at the root level of your Drupal installation. Make sure
the paths mentioned above match up with Drupal's default folder
structure -- there should already be "all" and "default" folders inside
of the sites directory. The contents of the
sites/default folder found in do not need to be uploaded
for existing installations.
- Click the Modules link in the Drupal administration toolbar at the top of the page and enable the "ThemeTastic: Features" module.
- Optional: Populate the taxonomy terms used for
the blog/portfolio. Terms can be added to the Categories, Tags, and
Portfolio vocabul aries found by navigating to Structure > Taxonomy.
The portfolio terms are used for the filter on portfolio pages, where
as the Categories/Tags vocabulary terms are used with the blog. Adding
terms to the "Tags" vocabulary will also populate the Tag Cloud block in
the footer.
Multilingual Setup
Sometimes referred to as
i10n, Localization allows for
localized and/or multilingual Drupal installations. This section of the
documentation will outline setting up a multilingual Drupal
installation, and provide additional information for extending your
multilingual installation as you see fit:
Installing Language Libraries
Before we can begin exploring the multilingual capabilities of our
Drupal installation we'll need to install the appropriate language
- Click the Modules link in the Drupal administration UI and enable the Locale, Content Translation, and Localization Update modules. If all of these modules are enabled, move onto the next step.
- Navigate to Configuration > Languages > Add Language. Choose a language and click the "Add Language" button:
Drupal will now update your installation with all available translations for your setup. This may take a minute or two:
- A detection path for the new language needs to be setup. Click the "Detection and Selection" tab:
Enable the URL Detection Method and save your settings:
- You're now ready to start using multiple languages with Drupal. Languages can be switched by appending the language code (found at Configuration > Languages) to the end of your website's URL. For example:
When is accessed, Drupal is now in French:
Enabling Right to Left (RTL)
To change the text direction to right-to-left, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Configuration > Language in the Drupal administration UI. Find the language(s) you would like to convert to RTL and click "Edit".
- Change the Direction option to "Right to Left" and save your options:
Notice: You will have to manually re-arrange
Revolution Slider captions to suit your needs when RTL is enabled. All
other areas of the ThemeTastic framework will automatically convert to
RTL when the above steps are performed.
Further Information
The steps above install a basic multilingual configuration in Drupal. If needed, the
Internationalization suite can be
used to extend Drupal's multilingual capabilities even further. Download the Drupal 7 version and place the contents in the
sites/all/modules folder to get started.
Another useful tool module to look into is the
Translation Management Tool.
This module features extensions for both Google and Bing translate.
Creating a different node for each language can be time consuming,
Google and/or Bing translate can be used to automate this process. The
Translation Management Tool is recommended for developers who
need a quick solution for translation of a large body of content.
II. Content Types / Templates
This section contains a list of the content types which come
prepacked with the ThemeTastic theme. Content types are used to organize
the nodes created on your Drupal website.
Each content type has specific fields for certain pieces of data.
These fields are described in greater detail for each content type
To create a new node under a content type, click the
Add Content
link in the Drupal administration toolbar at the top of the page. A
list of each content type will be prompted -- choose a content type and
create the new node.
Fields for each content type can be added, edited or deleted
through the Drupal administration interface. Please refer to the
documentation related to each individual content type for more details.
Basic Page
The following fields can be editted in the Drupal administration interface. Navigate to
Structure > Content Types > Basic Page > Manage Fields to modify the basic page field settings.
Below is a list of each basic page field along with a description of it's respective purpose:
- Title: The node title. This value will be used as the page title sitewide.
- Body: The body field contains a node's content. Valid formats consist of Plain Text, Filtered Text, and HTML code.
Blog Post
The following fields can be editted in the Drupal administration interface. Navigate to
Structure > Content Types > Blog Post > Manage Fields to modify the basic page field settings.
- Title: The node title. This value will be used as the page title sitewide.
- Template: What kind of post type is this blog post? The post type will determine which blog template is used. If
no post type is selected, Drupal's default field settings will be used. For a demonstration of each blog template,
please refer to the ThemeTastic theme demo.
- Image: Image(s) to be displayed with this blog
post. This image will also be used for the thumbnail when the "Video"
template is selected.
- Slider Block: If the Slider post type is selected, select a Revolution Slider block to embed in this post.
- Video: If the Video post type is selected, enter the embed code to a YouTube or Vimeo video.
- Body: The body field contains a node's content. Valid formats consist of Plain Text, Filtered Text, and HTML code.
- Tags: Add tags to a blog post. Tags can be added or removed from this field by navigating to Structure > Taxonomy.
- Categories: Blog post categories. This list can be modified or added to by navigating to Structure > Taxonomy.
- Title: The node title. This value will be used as the page title sitewide.
- Template: What kind of post type is this
portfolio? The post type will determine which portfolio template is
used. If
no post type is selected, Drupal's default field settings for this
content type will be used. For a demonstration of each portfolio
please refer to the ThemeTastic theme demo.
- Image: Image(s) to be displayed with this
portfolio item. Multiple images can be integrated with a Slider or
Lightbox based on the template selected.
- Slider Block: If the "Slider" template is in use, select a Revolution Slider block to embed into this portfolio page.
- Video: If the Video post type is selected, enter the URL to a YouTube or Vimeo video.
- Body: The body field contains a node's content. Valid formats consist of Plain Text, Filtered Text, and HTML code.
- Project Info: An optional table used to feature important data related to a particular project.
- Project Link: Add a link to the project. When
this field has a value, a "Launch Project" button will be displayed next
to the paginator on the portfolio post.
- Tags: Portfolio tags that will be used with the filter on portfolio views. This list can be modified or added to by navigating to Structure > Taxonomy.
- Toggle Fancybox: When checked, the portfolio item will feature a Lightbox option on all View blocks/pages.
- Title: The node title. This value will be used as the page title sitewide.
- Subtitle: What kind of post type is this blog post? The post type will determine which blog template is used. If
no post type is selected, Drupal's default field settings will be used. For a demonstration of each blog template,
please refer to the ThemeTastic theme demo.
- Icon: Image(s) to be displayed with this blog
post. This image will also be used for the thumbnail when the "Video"
template is selected.
- Body: The body field contains a node's content. Valid formats consist of Plain Text, Filtered Text, and HTML code.
Contact Page
The contact page is generated by the
Contact module. To change the e-mail address this page sends to, naviagate to
Modules > Contact > Configure.
The map on the contact page can be modified through the ThemeTastic theme settings by navigating to
Appearence > Settings > Contact Page.
Here the latitude/longitude values for Google Maps, along with the
introduction message on the contact page, can be configured.
Block: "How To Reach Us"
The contents "How to Reach Us" portion of the contact page is contained in a block, and can be edited by navigating to
Structure > Blocks.
III. Drupal Configuration
ThemeTastic requires a few Drupal modules to function fully. To
enable these modules, navigate to the Modules section in the Drupal UI
(found at the top of the screen in the Drupal administration toolbar).
Inside of the sites/all/modules folder of the download files you will
find the following module folders and their contents:
- Required Modules:
- Block Reference: Used to embed slider blocks in node pages for the ThemeTastic blog, portfolio sections
- Context: Used to genereate templates based of contextual conditions (ie. Node type, paths, etc)
- Views Isotope: Integrates the popular isotope.js plugin with the Views module, used for portfolio views
- Views: Dependency for a majority of ThemeTastic functionality, Views Isotope and Revolution Slider modules.
- Optional Modules:
- Backup & Migrate: Used for the "new installation" option, demo content installation.
- Features: Used for the "existing installation" option.
- Entity: Required by Revolution Slider module.
- Revolution Slider: The Revolution Slider module adds functionality and a drag/drop interface for the popular Revolution Slider jQuery plugin.
- Replicate/Replicate UI: Used by Revolution Slider module for individual slide cloning.
- ThemeTastic: Features: Used in conjunction with the Features module on the "existing installation" option.
Drupal 7 menus can be configured through the administration interface at
Structure > Menus. Utilize the "Drag/Drop" interface on this page to rearrange current menu items, or
click the
Add a link button to add a new menu item. Instructions for enabling dropdown menus can be found in the section below.
Dropdown Menus
To create or modify a dropdown menu, navigate to
Structure > Menus > Main Menu > Edit Menu. The diagram below illustrates
an example of a dropdown menu:
The diagram above illustrates a parent link (the Pages link) and several child links (indented items underneeth the Pages link).
Ensure that the parent item always has the show as expanded item checked to trigger a dropdown menu. Each child link, along with the parent item, must be checked as Enabled to be displayed in the menu.
Indenting any menu item will make the item a child link within the dropdown menu.
The ThemeTastic theme utilizes the Context module to control the
homepage content, blocks, menus, and global elements such as header or
footer regions. If multiple color schemes or region templates are
the context module is also useful when combined with the
Delta Module.
To add a new context or modify an existing context, navigate to
Structure > Context
and locate the appropriate option. The ThemeTastic: Features module
(enabled during theme installation) includes seven prepackaged context
All block and menu trail configuration settings which came
packaged in the ThemeTastic: Features module are contained in the
context definitions above.
Creating/modifying contexts is simple! Each context arguement is
comprised of two parts:
conditions and
Example: A block titled NEW_BLOCK has been created and needs to be placed in the second sidebar region on blog posts.
- Condition: Node Type = Blog Post
- Reaction: Blocks > Sidebar Second = NEW_BLOCK
The above arguement will result in NEW_BLOCK appearing in the
second sidebar region on all pages of the blog post content type.
Context conditions can be based on several options such content types,
path, taxonomy terms, and user roles.
Although a multitude of reaction options also exist, ThemeTastic
only uses the block and menu reactions in the preconfigured theme
settings. Please modify the appropriate context definition if the need
to disable the preconfigured block/menu settings arise.
Blocks / Regions
Blocks and
Regions are two
elements used do develop Drupal websites. Blocks (a block of content)
are placed inside of regions
to organize the content which appears inside of regions on your Drupal
website. This section will document the following information:
- Regions: An example illustrating the layout for block regions available with the ThemeTastic theme.
- Blocks: Create a new block (HTML is allowed inside of blocks) and placing a block in a region.
The grid below demonstrates the region layout for the ThemeTastic
theme. Each region is used as a container to hold blocks. CSS elements
for each region can be added/modified through the Theme Settings at
Appearence > Settings > Regions.
Header Top Left
Header Top Right
Prescript First
Prescript Second
Prescript Third
Prescript Fourth
Left Sidebar
Right Sidebar
Postscript First
Postscript Second
Postscript Third
Postscript Fourth
Footer Bottom Left
Footer Bottom Right
The diagram above can be used to help you determine where on the
page you want to place blocks. Blocks can be created, and added to
regions, by navigating to
Structure > Blocks
in the Drupal administration interface. The section below, titled
Blocks, will describe creating new blocks and placing blocks within regions in greater detail.
Creating a Block
Blocks can be added/modified by navigating to
Structure > Blocks > Add Block
in the Drupal administrative interface. Each block can hold plain text
or full HTML markup and be used on multiple pages of your website.
Using a block is highly recommended when an element needs to be used
on multiple pages. Make sure you check the filter settings if HTML is
Editing a Block
Blocks can be edited by navigating to
Structure > Blocks in the Drupal administration interface, or by hovering over a block on the page and clicking the
Edit block link.
CSS classes can also be added to each block on the edit block page.
Placing Blocks in a Region
Blocks can be placed in regions by utilizing the "drag and drop" interface found at
Structure > Blocks or on the block edit page:
Each block can be edited by navigating to
Structure > Blocks in the Drupal administration interface and clicking the "configure" link next to the block you wish to modify.
Limiting Blocks to Specific Pages
To place a block on a specific page, or multiple pages, navigate to
Structure > Blocks in the Drupal administration interface and click the
configure link next to the block you are editing.
Locate the
Pages tab at the bottom of the page. Here you can
specify the address to each page you wish to include or disclude each
respective block on.
Example In the example on the left, the block will only be listed if the path is
/contact or
Note: If a more robust way to control blocks/regions is desired, use of the
Context module is highly recommended.
The Views Module is a popular Drupal module utilized extensively
within the ThemeTastic theme framework to build blocks and pages
based upon node and taxonomy content. Views is being integrated into
Drupal core for Drupal 8, so if you've never used the module
before now is a great time to learn. Both the
ThemeTastic: Tools module and demo content file (enabled during theme installation) come packaged with the following
views (found at
Structure > Views):
Click the Edit button to modify each view individually. If you
would like to control the placement of these blocks on pages, please
refer to the Blocks/Regions section of this documentation.
Views is a complex module with an enormous amount of capabilities
(which are far too broad to detail in this documentation file). If you
are unsure of how to configure the Views module, please contact Theme
Boutique support and we can help you solve your problem.
Reverting Views
If you're a more experienced Drupal user, there is nothing
particularly important that needs to be known about the View
which come with the ThemeTastic theme. Fields, field markup, and
filters can be added or modified as needed. If the need to revert a view
to the default settings should ever arise, navigate to
Structure > Views and locate the view in question. Open the dropdown menu for the
view and click "Revert" (the
ThemeTastic: Tools module must be enabled for this functionality).
Theme Settings
The theme settings form an integral part of the ThemeTastic framework. To access the theme settings, navigate to
Appearence > Settings.
Here you will find a tabbed options panel with the following sections:
- Global: Default Drupal theme settings.
- Layout: Modify the layout width (full or boxed), enable/disable responsive layout, and set the color scheme.
- Background: Set the background color and background image. Contains an upload field for custom background images.
- Regions: Configure the Twitter Bootstrap grid
settings for each region. An option to add additional CSS classes to
each region can also be found.
- Misc: Set Google Maps coordinates for the contact
page, enable/disable the "parallax" effect on the homepage slider,
upload iOS icons.
If needed, more detailed descriptions for each individual setting
can be found underneeth each option when using the theme options panel.
Revolution Slider
The Revolution Slider module links together three key components: the
slide builder, the Blocks Module, and Revolution Slider javascript
settings. This section of the documentation
will detail the aforementioned components in greater detail so you can
get started on creating your own slides as soon as possible!
Managing Sliders
Before we can start building slides, we will need to first create a slider to attach those slides to. Navigate to
Structure > Revolution Slider to access
Consider this page the "landing page" for the Revolution Slider module. Here users can:
- Add a revolution slider: Creates a new Revolution slider block.
- Edit/Delete/Clone Sliders: To add a new slide to a
slider, click the "edit link". Cloning a slider will clone all
javascript settings, along with copies of each slide added to the slider
being cloned.
Once a new slider has been created and at least one slide has been
created on that slider, a block will automatically be generated. This
block can then be used
as any other Drupal block would be (applied to regions, integrated with
the Context module, embedded in nodes, etc).
Slide Builder
Once a slider has been created, we can begin adding slides to that particular slider block. Navigate to
Structure > Revolution Slider and "edit" the slider you would like to add a slide to. Click the
Add new slide link to get started.
Next, click the
Add new slide link to open up the slide builder:
The slide builder consists of five sections:
- Title: The title of the slide. This is used for administrative purposes only.
- Image: The slide background image. Suggested image dimensions (in pixels) are 1920x460.
- Slide Settings: The settings for the slide.
- Preview: Drag and drop slide editor used in conjunction with the layer settings.
- Layer Settings: The settings for each layer.
Although descriptions for each field are provided in the slide
builder itself, further documentation may be needed if you have never
used the Revolution Slider in the past.
Please refer to the Revolution Slider documentation (found in the
assets folder of the ThemeTastic theme download from ThemeForest) for a
comprehensive overview of the plugin's capabalities.
- An image must first be uploaded to activate the Slide Builder preview.
- If the "layer type" option is set to "Select Layer Type...", the
layer will be deleted on save. A "delete button" is being planned for
future versions of the Revolution Slider module, in the meantime please
use this method to delete unwanted layers.
Integrating CSS styles with the Revolution Slider
The Slide Builder module integrates with the
file found in the ThemeTastic theme directory. When stying your slider
elements, please make sure to use this file if you want to see your
styles in the Slide Builder preview.
Slider Blocks
Once a slider has been created, and has at least 1 slide added to the slider, a block will be automatically generated:
These blocks can be placed in regions at
Structure > Blocks,
or by using the Context module. Slider blocks can also be embedded in
portfolio/blog nodes by using the "Slider Block" field for those
respective content types.