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One of the most common complaints we get from newcomers to Drupal is that easy, good-looking themes are hard to find.
There are themes which are easy to use, but typically these are not easy on the eye. There are also beautiful, but complicated theme frameworks.
So, to help our students, we've found 10 Drupal themes that meet these criteria:
  • Easy on the eye.
  • Easy to use.
  • Free to download.
  • Well-supported.
  • Ready for Drupal 7.
  • Under active development.
That's not asking too much is it?!
Let's see our top 10 easy and good-looking Drupal themes. If you can recommend more, please mention them in the comments.

1. TouchPro by Sooperthemes

TouchPro is a magazine-style Drupal theme which is mobile-ready. This theme was voted as a premium theme to be released for free by the Drupal community.
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2. BlackSea by Theme Shark

A clean, contemporary theme by which is based on ThemeShark's own simple starter theme.
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3. ST Conch by Symphony Themes

Using the old wine label color as the background and dark brown content blocks, this theme has a vintage flavor with few decorations.
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4. Blue Masters ported by More Than (just) Themes

BlueMasters is based on the PSD template of the same name, which was designed by Wendell Fernandes and released for Smashing Magazine and its readers.
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5. Koi by Kiwi Themes

Kiwi has several free themes, I just really liked the look of this one. It may look familiar to WordPress users, because it's a port of an original WordPress theme. Check the Kiwi website for more.
Demo Page:
Feature Page:
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6. JD Purity by JoomlArt

Joomlart has been a longtime provider of Joomla templates. They've started a Drupal club and are offering their Purity template for free. JD Purity functions as a base theme, forming solid snippets for their upcoming Drupal designs and also continues the trend of their Purity series. It's a versatile tableless design with clean lines, efficient use of space, subtle but varied color schemes,
Demo Page
Features Page:
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7. TB Event by Themebrain

The TB Event theme is designed specificlally for people planning events. Its a subtheme for the Nucleus base theme.
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8. Pixture Reloaded by Adaptive Themes

Pixture Reloaded is a re-colorable theme powered by Adaptivetheme and inherits all its features such as mobile support, Google fonts and a powerful layout engine.
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9. Premium Responsive by saran.quardz

The theme is not dependent on a base theme and is very lightweight and modern.. Premium Responsive's clean layout and light weight code make it a great theme for small or medium-sized business to get up and running quickly. This is not a from a large theme club and doesn't have a huge install base, but It's attractive and responsive.
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10. Acquia Marina by Fusion Themes

Acquia Marina is one of the most popular free themes ever released for Drupal. Right now, the stable version is only for D6, but the beta version for D7 is in the works so we included this one in the list as well. It was first released in late 2008. Now it has improved further by moving to the Fusion base theme.
Acquia Marina allows you to select from numeours icons for blocks, choose different title colors, change columns width and much more. It also now supports fluid width and re-positionable sidebars.
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